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Using Social Media To Get Recruited

Jan 12, 2023

The Hitting Chronicle

My guide to hitting development and college recruiting. 

Some weeks this newsletter will be on hitting, and others on college recruiting.

Each newsletter will be released Tuesday @ 9 AM. 


How to use social media to get recruited


I am going to show you how to utilize social media to get recruited. 


Every college program in the country uses social media to find players, especially Twitter. 


You can take advantage of a platform where the coach of your dream school is already on. 


There's so much competition in college recruiting. 


With over 500k high school baseball players and 380k softball players, and only three college coaches per staff who can recruit, you need to put in the extra work to get your name out there. 


If you do it right, you can expect to find out where you stand in the recruiting process and connect with your future college coach.


Unfortunately, most get frustrated by a lack of interest early on and don't stay consistent. 


Most Players need a plan. 

  • Not enough content 

  • Their video doesn't show anything.

  • Don't set up a profile. 

  • Get discouraged by no response. 


I will show you, or your players, how to ensure this doesn't happen. 

Here's how to step by step:


Step 1: Set up a Twitter profile 

View Twitter as a job resume, you won't get hired solely off your resume, but it may get you an interview. 


College coaches are bombarded with players; the more they have to dig to find information on a player, the more likely they will get sidetracked by someone else and move on. 


That's why it's essential to make their job to evaluate you as easy as possible. 


Here is an excellent example of setting up a Twitter profile with all your information. 


A great visual made by Ian Macdonald @sowhatnextpitch on Twitter.


Step 2: What do you post? 

This is where so many go wrong—either not enough content or not the right kind of content. 


Try to post a few times a week. After a tournament, clip your videos together after a cage session, etc. 


Twitter is a very forgiving platform; even if you post several times a day, not all of your followers will see it. 


Posting videos of you hitting off the tee or throwing without a radar gun is okay if you're already a known prospect. However, if you're trying to get discovered for the first time, I recommend spending less time posting that. 


Here are two examples of players recruited to play D1 Baseball and Softball. 


First is Sam Shaw. A Xavier University signee. His coach throwing him BP is throwing hard, so it's not an easy feel-good round; notice he doesn't barrel every ball up.


Some brownie points for hitting in Canada with no batting gloves on. Lol. 


The next video is of Katie Stewart, a University of Texas signee. video taken by @s2_breakthrough on Twitter.


Anytime you're throwing as a pitcher, you want a radar gun; it's the bs meter.


By watching this video, I can see...

  • Athleticism 

  • Movement 

  • Power 

  • 80 mph is valid (radar gun) 


Now, most girls can't throw 80 mph overhand, and that's okay, just like not every guy can get over 100 mph EV. 


The point isn't you have to have these numbers; you can quickly see their skills based on the video taken. 


Remember, you're not going to get offered via social media; it will get you followed, so a coach will come and watch you play in person and then offer you.


Step 3: Be consistent and aggressive 


This is the mindset you need to have in the recruiting process. Someone else is trying to take this spot from you; it's not different than the real world. 


Everyone is aiming for attention. You may not be able to control if you can't throw 80 mph or hitting a ball over 100 EVs. 


But you can be consistent and aggressive. 


College Coaches LOVE players who reach out to them. 


They will watch your video, but they may not always respond, and that's okay. 


Please don't feel discouraged by not getting the feedback you want immediately. 


I have a story that will encourage you to keep pushing through. 


This past year I had a client in my recruiting program who was a catcher, I texted a coach about him and sent his video, and he responded with, "thanks, I'll take a look at him."


I never heard back after that. 


A few months later, I followed up with that coach to see what they thought of the kid. 


I'm not kidding you; this is what his response was. 


"What kid? Can you re-send his video again?" 


I sent the video of the kid again, and he loved the video; he ended up calling the kid, watching him play, and offering him. 


Timing is a big part of the recruiting game; sometimes, you catch coaches on a busy day or time of year. That's why it's essential to be consistent, aggressive, and patient. 


If you can do all three of those on social media, you will end up where you're supposed to be.



  1. Set up a Twitter profile 

  2. Post content a coach can evaluate

  3. Be consistent, aggressive, and patient. 


Whenever you're ready there's one way I can help you. 


1. If you need help getting recruited, I'd recommend reaching out to me via email to see if you would be a good fit for my recruiting program. 


Email: [email protected]
